copy & paste the next function to your application
use it al followed:

Dim SQL$
Dim rs as recordset
Dim db as database

Set db = OpenDatabase(yourdatabase)
SQL$ = "SELECT * FROM " & yourdatabase
SQL$ = SQL$ & MakeSQLString(Text1.text,"title")
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL$)

In the Textbox you can put your searchwords. If you want to use AND / OR (or anything 
else that you like but don't forget to specify it in the code!) If you put just words 
without a separator than the AND is used.

----------- code -------------
Function MakeSQLString(bron$, vField$)
    Dim p, l_counter%, t%
    Dim TempBron$, tempdata$
    Dim criteria() As String
    Dim lastCriteria As Boolean
    TempBron$ = bron$
    t% = 0
    For l_counter% = 1 To Len(bron$)
        p = InStr(TempBron$, Chr(32))
        If p <> 0 Then
            ReDim Preserve criteria(t%)
            criteria(t%) = Left$(TempBron$, p - 1)
            TempBron$ = Right$(TempBron$, Len(TempBron$) - p)
            t% = t% + 1
            l_counter% = l_counter% + p
        End If
    Next l_counter%
    ReDim Preserve criteria(t%)
    criteria(t%) = TempBron$
    lastCriteria = True
    tempdata$ = " WHERE "
    For l_counter% = 0 To t%
        Select Case criteria(l_counter%)
        Case "EN", "en", "AND", "and", "+"
            tempdata$ = tempdata$ & " AND "
            lastCriteria = True
        Case "OF", "of", "OR", "or"
            tempdata$ = tempdata$ & " OR "
            lastCriteria = True
        Case Else
            If Not lastCriteria Then
                tempdata$ = tempdata$ & " AND ( " & vField$ & " LIKE '*" & criteria(l_counter%) & "*') "
                tempdata$ = tempdata$ & "( " & vField$ & " LIKE '*" & criteria(l_counter%) & "*') "
                lastCriteria = False
            End If
        End Select
    Next l_counter%
    MakeSQLString = tempdata$
End Function