Tip 209: Changing the Color of a Label Control When the Mouse Pointer Is
         over the Control in Visual Basic 4.0

February 28, 1996

This article explains how to add visual appeal to your Microsoft® Visual
Basic® version 4.0 application by changing the color of a Label control
when the mouse is positioned over that control.

Changing the ForeColor Property of a Label Control
When designing a Microsoft® Visual Basic® version 4.0 application, you can
change the color of a Label control when the mouse pointer is positioned
over that control. Then, when the mouse pointer is moved away from the
control, the original ForeColor property is restored. This technique lets
you draw attention temporarily to a specific Label control while your
application is running.

Because a Label control does not have an hWnd property, you cannot use
Microsoft Windows® application programming interface (API) functions to
determine whether the mouse pointer is hovering over the control. You can,
however, monitor the MouseMove event of the Label control to determine
when you should change the ForeColor property of the Label control.

Example Program
This program shows how to change the color of a Label control when the
mouse pointer is positioned over the control.

 1. Create a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
 2. Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1:

Dim MyFocusColor, MyNormalColor
Dim Lbl As Label

 3. Add the following code to the Form_Load event for Form1:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    MyNormalColor = QBColor(0)
    MyFocusColor = QBColor(10)
End Sub

 4. Add the following code to the MouseMove event for Form1 (note that the
    Private statement must be typed as a single line of code):

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
   Y As Single)
    For Each i In Me.Controls
        If TypeOf i Is Label Then
            If i.ForeColor <> MyNormalColor Then
                i.ForeColor = MyNormalColor
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

 5. Add a Label control to Form1. Label1 is created by default.
 6. Add the following code to the MouseMove event for Label1 (note that
    the Private statement must be typed as a single line of code):

Private Sub Label1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
   Y As Single)
    Call ChangeColor(Label1)
End Sub

 7. Add a second Label control to Form1. Label2 is created by default.
 8. Add the following code to the MouseMove event for Label2 (note that
    the Private statement must be typed as a single line of code):

Private Sub Label2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
   Y As Single)
    Call ChangeColor(Label2)
End Sub

 9. Create a new subroutine called ChangeColor. Add the following code to
    this subroutine:

Sub ChangeColor(Lbl As Label)
    If Lbl.ForeColor <> MyFocusColor Then
        Lbl.ForeColor = MyFocusColor
    End If
End Sub

Run the example program by pressing F5. Each time you move the mouse
pointer over the Label control, the color of the Label control is changed.

Additional Reference
"BackColor, ForeColor Properties." (Library, Product Documentation,
   Languages, Visual Basic 4.0 Professional and Enterprise Editions,
   Language Reference, AZ Reference)

Tip 209: Changing the Color of a Label Control When the Mouse Pointer Is
         over the Control in Visual Basic 4.0

February 28, 1996

This article explains how to add visual appeal to your Microsoft® Visual
Basic® version 4.0 application by changing the color of a Label control
when the mouse is positioned over that control.

Changing the ForeColor Property of a Label Control
When designing a Microsoft® Visual Basic® version 4.0 application, you can
change the color of a Label control when the mouse pointer is positioned
over that control. Then, when the mouse pointer is moved away from the
control, the original ForeColor property is restored. This technique lets
you draw attention temporarily to a specific Label control while your
application is running.

Because a Label control does not have an hWnd property, you cannot use
Microsoft Windows® application programming interface (API) functions to
determine whether the mouse pointer is hovering over the control. You can,
however, monitor the MouseMove event of the Label control to determine
when you should change the ForeColor property of the Label control.

Example Program
This program shows how to change the color of a Label control when the
mouse pointer is positioned over the control.

 1. Create a new project in Visual Basic. Form1 is created by default.
 2. Add the following code to the General Declarations section of Form1:

Dim MyFocusColor, MyNormalColor
Dim Lbl As Label

 3. Add the following code to the Form_Load event for Form1:

Private Sub Form_Load()
    MyNormalColor = QBColor(0)
    MyFocusColor = QBColor(10)
End Sub

 4. Add the following code to the MouseMove event for Form1 (note that the
    Private statement must be typed as a single line of code):

Private Sub Form_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
   Y As Single)
    For Each i In Me.Controls
        If TypeOf i Is Label Then
            If i.ForeColor <> MyNormalColor Then
                i.ForeColor = MyNormalColor
            End If
        End If
    Next i
End Sub

 5. Add a Label control to Form1. Label1 is created by default.
 6. Add the following code to the MouseMove event for Label1 (note that
    the Private statement must be typed as a single line of code):

Private Sub Label1_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
   Y As Single)
    Call ChangeColor(Label1)
End Sub

 7. Add a second Label control to Form1. Label2 is created by default.
 8. Add the following code to the MouseMove event for Label2 (note that
    the Private statement must be typed as a single line of code):

Private Sub Label2_MouseMove(Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, X As Single,
   Y As Single)
    Call ChangeColor(Label2)
End Sub

 9. Create a new subroutine called ChangeColor. Add the following code to
    this subroutine:

Sub ChangeColor(Lbl As Label)
    If Lbl.ForeColor <> MyFocusColor Then
        Lbl.ForeColor = MyFocusColor
    End If
End Sub

Run the example program by pressing F5. Each time you move the mouse
pointer over the Label control, the color of the Label control is changed.

Additional Reference
"BackColor, ForeColor Properties." (Library, Product Documentation,
   Languages, Visual Basic 4.0 Professional and Enterprise Editions,
   Language Reference, AZ Reference)
