Q: Downloaded Database Tip

Hi! I downloaded a file that you have in the database tip 
section, the tip file was called "Search for a word in all text 
fields". My question is you have a place for the user to place 
a check mark and reading the code I cannot figure out what the 
check mark is suppose to do. I have searched with it and 
without it but seem to get the same results. Could you 
please explain the two dummy search sections of the code and 
the difference, Where and or, Seems like i am getting the 
same search results. Thanks, Phil
Philip Price; phillipprice@mindspring.com

the chechmark is for checking on 'whole words only'. That's way the the code is different:

the first check is for exact match; the second (with the LIKE keyword) is for match any..

     If frmFind.Check1.Value = 1 Then
                If blnFirst Then
                    strDummy = strDummy & " WHERE (" &  rs.Fields(intX).Name & " = '" & strZoek & "')" blnFirst = False
                    strDummy = strDummy & " OR (" & rs.Fields(intX).Name & " = '" & strZoek & "')"
                End If
                If blnFirst Then
                    strDummy = strDummy & " WHERE (" &  rs.Fields(intX).Name & " LIKE '*" & strZoek &  "*')" blnFirst = False                
                    strDummy = strDummy & " OR (" &  rs.Fields(intX).Name & " LIKE '*" & strZoek & "*')"
                End If
            End If 

BTW; It was not supposed to be in the example...
