Q: Manipulating printing
I'm trying to print a file of 50 numbers to print out skipping every 5th 
number. This is the code I've tried:

    start = 1

    endline = 4

Open "a1.csv" For Input As #1

For i = 1 To 10

    For j = start To endline

       Line Input #1, info

       Print #2, info

       Print i, j, info

    Next j

    start = start + 5

    endline = endline + 5

  Next i

Close #1

The counters i & j print out correctly. There are 10 groups of i, with 
4 1's, 4 2's, etc. The j counter goes 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,11,12,13,14,etc. 
but the input file prints in order from 1 to 40. I want it to be same as j
counter. Any ideas?
Dave Paton; penserv@therockies.com
A 'make a new project; a form and two commandbuttons 'place the ascii-file NUMBERS.TXT in the same directory 'dont forget to make the file with some numbers in it!! 'insert the code on the proper places 'press F5 Option Explicit Dim intX As Integer Dim intFileNumber As Integer Dim bSkip As Byte Dim strDummy As String Private Sub Command1_Click() 'get & open file bSkip = 0 intFileNumber = FreeFile Open App.Path & "\numbers.txt" For Input As #intFileNumber Do While Not EOF(intFileNumber) 'print but skip every 5th input bSkip = bSkip + 1 Line Input #intFileNumber, strDummy If bSkip = 5 Then Printer.Print bSkip = 0 Else Printer.Print CStr(bSkip) & " --> " & strDummy End If Loop Close #intFileNumber Printer.EndDoc End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Dim answer answer = InputBox("How many times do you want to print?", , 2) If answer = "" Then Exit Sub 'get & open file bSkip = 0 intFileNumber = FreeFile Open App.Path & "\numbers.txt" For Input As #intFileNumber Do While Not EOF(intFileNumber) bSkip = bSkip + 1 Line Input #intFileNumber, strDummy 'print but skip every 5th input If bSkip = 5 Then Printer.Print bSkip = 0 Else 'print the number multiple times For intX = 0 To CInt(answer) Printer.Print CStr(bSkip) & " --> " & strDummy Next intX End If Loop Close #intFileNumber Printer.EndDoc End Sub Return