Q: Showing day of the week
Lantz; lantz@mailbox.calypso.net wrote: I would like to know how i make my form show the day of the week....
A: Take a look at the command DatePart example: form1.Caption = Now & " " & ConvertDayofWeek(DatePart("w", Now)) Private Function ConvertDayofWeek(nr%) As String Select Case nr% Case 1 'sunday ConvertDayofWeek = "sunday" Case 2 'monday ConvertDayofWeek = "monday" Case 3 'thuesday ConvertDayofWeek = "thuesady" Case 4 'wendesday ConvertDayofWeek = "wendesday" Case 5 'thursday ConvertDayofWeek = "thursday" Case 6 'friday ConvertDayofWeek = "friday" Case 7 'saterday ConvertDayofWeek = "saterday" End Select End Function Return