Q: SplashScreen 
I have this annoying problem! Here's the thing! ANYTHING, and I mean ANYTHING I put on it (the form) does not come up!!! If I put Text on it, there are *giant holes* where the text should be. Clip art, same thing. Tried to put a background on the form. You guessed it!! Only thing that I can see is the form caption! I hate to say it, but I have given up. I tried a million different things to try to get something , anything on it to no
Reno D. Manno rmanno@voicenet.com
A: if you say 'the form' I assume you mean your 'splashscreen'? Nothing on that form will show until the form is loaded. If you are doing it right you have in the load-event some code like: Sub Form1_Load() text1.text = "Greetings..." 'load the first 'real' form of your application Load MainForm 'now everything in this event will be done MainForm.Show 'unload the splashscreen unload SplashScreen End Sub This way your splashscreen only shows up after the load-event is done. So it will just flikker and disappear again. Before the Load ManinForm you must explicitly say that you want to show the splashscreen: SplashScreen.Show In the load-event of the MainForm you can set a little pause (see the example Pause) to show the splashscreen a little longer (or you can set in the splashscreen_click event the code to show the MainForm and unload the Splashscreen). So the code would be something like this: Sub Form1_Load() text1.text = "Greetings..." 'show form SplashScreen.Show 'load the first 'real' form of your application Load MainForm 'now everything in this event will be done MainForm.Show 'unload the splashscreen unload SplashScreen End Sub If you have some code to draw a background on the Splashscreen then don't forget to use the DoEvents command. Otherwise only the result is shown (see the example about GradientForm). Return